Attentions aux fausses invitations à la bêta !

Depuis quelques jours des faux mails d'invitation à la bêta circulent sur le net. Si vous voyez apparaître dans votre boîte un courriel provenant de Katricia avec l'adresse, dans lequel on vous demande quel nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe vous compterez utiliser pour le bêta test, n'y répondez surtout pas, c'est un faux ! Blizzard ne vous demandera jamais de telles informations.

Ci-dessous, voici le message dont il est question :

Greetings from the Blizzard development team!

We are happy to inform you that you have been accepted into the World of Warcraft Beta program.

On March 4, 2004, you and 1200 others will be given the opportunity to experience the first phase of beta

for yourself. However, we require you to abide by a few rules:

-Do not sell, trade, share, or transfer your beta account, beta account information, or the game files itself.

-We will also require you to accept a Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) during your registration. This NDA will

prohibit the distribution of any information regarding the game, including but not limited to, intellectual rights,

copyrighted characters or insignia, non-copyrighted characters or insignia, class information, spell information,

quests, NPCs, screenshots, or the game files used to run World of Warcraft.

-Lastly, we want you to enjoy yourself, and report back to us any suggestions or bugs you might find!

Prior to March 4, ! the CD's with the game files will be sent, and a link to download the game itself will become

available. We will include the link to these files, your Beta Access Key(CD-Key), and more information at that time.

But, for now, we ask you to reply with the Username and the Password you would like to use for the beta.

Congratulations, and we look forward to hearing your feedback!


Blizzard Customer Service

Je tiens à vous rappeler que ces fameuses invitations à la bêta n'ont toujours pas été envoyées. Dès que ce sera le cas, soyez sûr que nous vous le ferons savoir ici.
Source :


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