Le premier kill de Kil'Jaeden par SK Gaming

Le dernier boss du plateau du puit du soleil est enfin tombé!
Le derbier boss de Burning crusade est tombé face à la guilde SK Gaming. Une vidéo ne devrait pas tarder à arriver d'ailleurs sur leur site web pour ce combat épique.

Voici quelques mots en anglais de Mekon et Mackzter leurs leaders:

First of all we would like to say a huge thanks to the guild for all the work that has been put in not only now but the during the build up to Sunwell in general. It's been an intense 4 days of raiding but now it's time to return to normal working life for the next few months and relax

As for Kil'Jaeden: It's a really intense fight, the most technically demanding fight in terms of personal performance and survivability. M'uru was all about the strategy and this one was all about absolute perfection in terms of execution. There are however a few random elements that make the fight frustrating at times. All in all definitely the hardest boss ever made and an impressive final boss.

Blizzard has finally done a good job on a TBC instance with Sunwell. The difficulty level compared to BT is not even comparable it's soo much harder. In BT you could have 5 bad players and still carry them no problem, Sunwell requries consistent perfection. We are soo happy that they have finally delivered a non cockblocked but very hard instance!.

As for WotLK we are going to go just as hard, probably recruit more players to prepare and hopefully we will be playing the Beta soon Now we've proved we are the best we have no intention of giving up that mantle without a fight!
Source : http://www.sk-gaming.com/content/17166-KilJaeden_DOWN_World_First


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